So I've been in this debate with an evolutionist over YouTube (lame forum for debate, I know), and today he apparently decided to put the nail in my coffin (?). Having asked him to explain abiogenesis to me several times and receiving only vague references to other YouTube videos in response, I finally asked him to just link to me to one actual video detailing abiogenesis. His reply? That he wasn't going to bother to tell me things I should have learned in high school biology, and that if all I had were questions, we were done talking.
Is this good science? Usually if someone asks you a question you answer it, instead of pompously blowing them off. If the question's that easy it should be easy to answer, right? Why take all the time to insult me and my logic when you could just answer the question? And yet, it seems so indicative of some parts of the scientific community: "How dare you question us, worm?!? We're SCIENTISTS! We know everything! No, we won't answer your question because it's obviously wrong. Why? Because you're questioning us. And everybody who questions us is stupid. Go remove yourself from the gene pool."
Effectively, they close the matter to debate. YO! Science is never closed for debate! Theories thousands of year old (geocentric universe, for example) have been proven wrong by lone scientists willing to question the establishment. Good science, REAL science, never takes anything for granted, because you never know when something you've assumed was right your entire life will get turned on it's head.
So, to conclude rant: argue rationally and respectfully, please. Everyone. Even if someone says the sky is green, give them your fullest attention. One of you might have blue-green colorblindness, and he might actually be right.
Merry Christmas!
I couldn't agree with you more tyson