I have a wonderful idea: I shall take a quick study break from writing by doing...MORE WRITING!! Aha! Betcha didn't see that one coming.
Speaking of 'brilliant,' don't you wish we used more English words in this country? I mean we technically speak English, but there are some words that get used in England a lot that I think would be cool to use as well. Brilliant is one of them, though I think my personal favorite is "smashing!" I don't see why we Americans haven't adopted it already...its short and to the point and emphasizes destroying things. Why do the English have it in the first place, really? It should be ours. Perhaps Obama can discuss this important issue when he's in England again, giving Gordon Brown a set of DVDs that won't work in England or giving the Queen an iPod filled with videos of his own speeches. *sigh*
Since my math teacher also teaches cryptography in the spring, I'm still debating as to whether or not I should challenge him thus: if I can make a code he can't crack, I get an A in the course. If he cracks it, then I take the exam anyway. Seems fair, right?
Merry Christmas!
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