Sunday, December 13, 2009

So today...I finally made it to church here (which is unusual,'s been tough not seeing my church family from back home), and then proceeded to draft a realistic plan for world peace ("Draft Realistic Plan For World Peace" is code for "Waste Time") for several hours, before finally getting down to work. After working laboriously for great lengths of time, I proceeded to watch a movie with my somewhat insistent friend-from-across-the-hall. I chose The Box, and I can't say I was impressed in the least. In the credits it said the movie was based on a short story. There's a problem there. A movie has the capability to tell a story much faster than a book. Obviously, a shorter book should mean a much shorter movie. This rule was ignored when they made The Box, and so you get long sequences of faux suspense with no explanation or plot development or anything useful at all. Then, of course, the movie ends with the "Neverending Cycle" kind of ending and makes you even madder. Who wrote that thing? Where they drunk? High? Trapped in the Matrix? All of the above? I mean, really, it was worthless.

At some point I shall add more videos to the list of cool youtube videos below, but not now. I have to have a foursome with Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod. Ciao, and Merry Christmas!

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