I was going to rant about some things that happened during my recent RA application interview, but I think I'll save it. Suffice it to say I don't really get racism anymore. I haven't seen anyone being racist to anyone in my life, except in history documentaries. Why are people still proselytizing that we need more "change" and "acceptance" when...ahh, forget it. You can't change anything by having a temper tantrum. Even one so intellectual as mine.
I shall be having breakfast soon, which makes me think of waffles. I think the inventor of waffles genuinely was a genius. I mean, there was the guy who walked up to a cow and said "Hey! I think I'll squeeze these things and drink what comes out!" He was pretty stupid. But the guy (probably Belgian) who invented waffles was just like "Hey! Grill + Iron = Win!" Wafflewin, to be exact.
Soon I shall be putting a list (somewhere on this blog) of the fun YouTube videos I know of, with links. But for now, the wild waffles call to my deep heart's core. Ciao.