Thursday, July 22, 2010

Atheistic Moral Relativism

Is definitely one of my favorite things ever to make fun of. It goes something like this:
Atheist: "How can you be a Christian? God is like, so so so mean! He, like, smites people with fire and stuff and junk!"
Me: "So?"
Atheist: "That's wrong!"
Me: "Who says?"
Atheist: "Wait, you mean killing people isn't wrong?"
Me: "No, I'm just saying by what standard are you calling killing people wrong? Older cultures practiced human sacrifice, some still practice tribal warfare. They thought it was right. Why is it wrong?"
Atheist (unable to refer to Christian morality): "It hurts the human race as a whole!"
Me: "Who cares? I hate humans. Besides, it's just natural selection."
Atheist: "Wait, you hate humans?"
Me: "No. Calm down. I was making a point."
Atheist: "What point?"
Me: "That to a tiger, killing and eating a human might not only be right, but necessary to survive. Why shouldn't we kill people we don't like?"
Atheist: "Because they're PEOPLE!!! They're worth more than other people's likes and dislikes!"
Me: "Says who?"
This goes on.

The point is that you can't condemn a standard of morality unless you have a superior standard of morality. Atheists, therefore, imply that through a few hundred years of human reasoning and logic, they have developed a moral code which allows them to condemn or affirm the Creator of the Universe.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. T (and D, for that matter): OK, how do you know your standard of morality is superior to other standards?
