Monday, February 1, 2010


it's a GIRL! (you have to say 'girl' with an extreme Redneck twang to achieve the desired effect) Since I'm quite sure that nobody reads this blog, I feel perfectly secure in informing absolutely no one that I have discovered a human of the female persuasion, to whom I am quite attracted and who seems (*crossed fingers*) to like me as well. She's smart (better grades than my own), sweet (she keeps cats, I kick cats...(not really...)), and marvelously pretty. Of course, I say this at least in part because I'm pretty sure she's the only person who reads this blog. (*waves Hi*)

Also, I'm still trying to get a good video for Youtube. Hopefully, if the video gets a few viewers and I mention my blog in the video, people will actually visit the darn thing, bringing my total audience up to something greater than 2.

One final thing: I need an evil-empire mantra. Every aspiring evil-genius-who-takes-over-the-world has one. Whether it be simply "Catzrule!" or "Big Brother is Watching" or "Come to the Dark Side." Something catchy and ominous, easy to remember, that I can paste on every building and on the forehead of anybody who dreams of overthrowing me. Thoughts?